Finishing Touch Wareslage Offspring 

Because of his sporting career Finishing Touch covered in his first year at Van Triest Horses only a few mares. Of these few horses, two seven-year-old ones are already jumping at 1.45m and qualified for the World Championships in Lanaken. We are thrilled for the future with the offspring of Finishing Touch Wareslage.

Magic Touch

Finishing Touch Wareslage x Ferro 

Magic Touch is a gelding born in 2017 who has already attracted a lot of attention with his seemingly unlimited jumping ability. He has already proven himself at the GMB young horse competitions and the KWPN championships for young horses. In addition to his great jumping qualities, Magic Touch is also known for his good movements and his great mindset in the course.

Milestone T

Finishing Touch Wareslage x Quality Time

Milestone T was bred by us and is one of the first offspring of Finishing Touch. Milestone is a clever and smart mare who goes into the course with the right mentality. She knows how to use her body and her ability to inspire us. She has a keen eye and good reflexes at the jump and always tries to do everything right, which she has already shown us at the KWPN Championships for young show jumpers.

New Touch van't Santbosch

Finishing Touch Wareslage x Indoctro

New Touch van't Santbosch comes from the second generation of Finishing Touch. He inspires us with his ability and his mindset. New Touch is always ready to progress and has already proven his ability and quality in the finals of the KWPN Young Jumper Championships. New Touch van't Santbosch convinces with his character just like the other offspring .

Red Moon

Finishing Touch Wareslage x Indoctro

He is the first KWPN approved stallion by Finishing Touch Wareslage. Red Moon shows a lot of quality and impressed with his commitment and potential during the approval.

Winning Touch vd Guldennagel

Finishing Touch Wareslage x Casino Grande

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